Patricio Schmidt began to direct commercials at the age of 23, and since then has shot TV commercials all over the Americas, North and South Africa, Europe and East Europe for top clients and agencies, such as Y&R and JWT (where he held the position as advertising producer/director for many years).
Schmidt has worked on campaigns for every imaginable product– from cars to toothpaste. He has been involved in several major projects, including the commercial for Chevron/Texaco’s 100th anniversary, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Colgate, Toyota, Wella, Palmolive, Almette, Procter & Gamble’s Naturella, the New World Campaign for Reckitt Benckiser, and Lipton’s Nature Green Tea. He is currently working on a feature film that consists of nine poetic vignettes about different ethnic groups living in South America; The film portrays real people, performing the roles of each story. A couple of these stories have been screened in festivals around the world, received awards for best photography/film and won the Jury Prize in the Cuzco festival.